Double Negative T Cells in Juvenile Dermatomyositis
Background/Purpose: Double Negative (DN) T cells was initially described in the context of autoimmune lymphoproliferative disease, which is caused by defective T cells apoptosis due to mutation of the...
View ArticleMeasuring Decision Conflict in Parents of Children with Juvenile Idiopathic...
Background/Purpose: Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and biologic agents are routinely used in the treatment of JIA and JIA-associated uveitis (JIA-AU). Parents are often fearful,...
View ArticleEvaluating the Relationship Between Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Disease...
Background/Purpose: JIA – associated uveitis (JIA-U) accounts for 20-40% of childhood noninfectious uveitis and affects 10-20% of patients with JIA. Its chronic course is often painless and insidious,...
View ArticleDiscovering the Implications of Adiposity in Juvenile Dermatomyositis
Background/Purpose: Obesity and pro-inflammatory cytokines produced by adipocytes have been linked to many outcomes including disease severity, treatment response, and disease progression in several...
View ArticleAssociations Among Pain, Mood, and Sleep in Children with Rheumatic Conditions
Background/Purpose: Chronic pain in school-aged children and adolescents is highly prevalent and can be debilitating. Literature suggests that children with musculoskeletal pain are at risk for poor...
View ArticleDifferences in Clinical Presentation Between Israeli and United States...
Background/Purpose: Observations among Israeli pediatric rheumatologists reveal pediatric Juvenile Spondyloarthritis (JSpA) may present differently compared to patients from the United States (US)....
View ArticleTransition from Pediatric to Adult Rheumatology: The Clinician as a...
Background/Purpose: The transition from pediatric to adult rheumatology is linked to poor outcomes in the absence of comprehensive transition programs. Several tools are available to measure transition...
View ArticleAncestry, Demographic and Clinical Features of Israeli Periodic Fever...
Background/Purpose: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is an autoinflammatory disease of unknown etiology. Recently, we showed that there may be a...
View ArticleHLA Genetic Signatures Associated with Inflammatory Sub-type in Juvenile...
Background/Purpose: Juvenile localized scleroderma (jLS) is an autoimmune disease of the skin and underlying tissue that is characterized by an earlier inflammatory infiltrate, followed by fibrosis and...
View ArticleEmapalumab (Anti-Interferon-Gamma Monoclonal Antibody) in Patients with...
Background/Purpose: MAS is a severe complication of rheumatic diseases and occurs most frequently in patients with sJIA. Data from animal models and from observational studies in patients suggest that...
View ArticleCD3 Downregulation on T-cells Is Concomitant with Arginase Upregulation on...
Background/Purpose: Rationale: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder driven by dysfunction of the joint tissue and abnormal immune responses. As deep phenotyping of...
View ArticleFailure of Methotrexate Monotherapy and Subsequent Response to Tumor Necrosis...
Background/Purpose: Pediatric non-infectious uveitis is often treated with systemic immunomodulators in a step-wise fashion, with methotrexate (MTX) followed by tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors...
View ArticlePredictors of Moderate/High Disease Activity in Childhood-Onset Systemic...
Background/Purpose: Substantial risk of early morbidity and mortality exists for patients with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE), but there are limited studies identifying predictors...
View ArticleMedication Adherence in Adolescents and Young Adults with Childhood Onset SLE
Background/Purpose: Compared to adults with SLE, young patients with SLE face particular challenges, including more severe disease, more renal involvement and medications side effects like growth...
View ArticleTherapeutic Interferon Gamma Neutralization with Emapalumab in Patients with...
Background/Purpose: Interferon gamma (IFNγ) is a pivotal mediator of HLH. Emapalumab (a fully human anti-IFNγ monoclonal antibody) is efficacious in patients with primary HLH. In autoinflammatory...
View ArticleThe First 18 Months of a Pediatric Rheumatology Service at a Tertiary...
Background/Purpose: Pediatric rheumatic diseases impart a significant disease burden upon children and their families with the potential to cause diminished quality of life and significant direct and...
View ArticleNovel Algorithm to Increase Sensitivity of Detecting Active Arthritis in...
Background/Purpose: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disease in children. The use of infrared thermal imaging for screening JIA has not utilized standardized image...
View ArticleThe Impact of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment on Medication Adherence in...
Background/Purpose: Youth with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) experience significant health care burden and high rates of psychiatric disorders. Optimizing medication adherence is critical for...
View ArticleGenetic Susceptibility Loci for Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis,...
Background/Purpose: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is the most common periodic fever syndrome of childhood. Although familial clustering of the...
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